Month: January 2020
Property Tax Daze

It’s the new year, meaning property tax season is in full swing. If you are a property owner in the State of Michigan, you should have received a Winter Property Tax bill from your local taxing authority. Winter Tax bills are generally mailed on December 1st of each year and are due by February 14th
Ringing in the New Year
Now that we have adjusted from writing “2019” and started writing “2020,” there is one more thing you should try and remember. Many agencies have issued warnings saying you should write out “2020” when signing and dating documents. The reasoning behind these warnings is to avoid fraud and scams. When using “20” as an abbreviation
The Green Rush

It’s being called the Green Rush for several reasons, but the one that should matter most to you is the amount of money that can potentially be made in Michigan’s Marijuana Industry. When voters decided to amend Michigan’s Constitution to allow for recreational marijuana, they opened the doors to a number of business opportunities for
Probate of an Estate

There are circumstances and occasions where probate either cannot be avoided or should not be avoided. The period of time after the loss of a loved one is difficult and the added pressures and responsibilities of making legal decisions do not help. Clients take comfort on relying on the expertise that Shinners & Cook offers