Federal Trade Commission Proposes Banning Noncompete Clauses

On January 5, 2023, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) proposed a new rule that, if formally enacted, would ban employers nationwide from entering into noncompete agreements with new employees and would require employers to terminate existing noncompete agreements binding current or former employees. The FTC’s basis for this new proposed rule is that noncompete clauses

Shinners & Cook Hires Attorney Maxson Frederick

Shinners & Cook is pleased to introduce our newest Attorney, Max Frederick. Frederick received his bachelor’s degree from Saginaw Valley State University in Professional & Technical Writing in 2014. He earned a Juris Doctorate from Michigan State University College of Law in 2020.  Aside from practicing law, Frederick enjoys cooking, traveling, and camping. Shinners &

MIOSHA Rules Relax COVID-19 Workplace Requirements and MDHHS Restrictions Lifted

On June 22, 2021, the Michigan Occupational Safety & Health Administration (MIOSHA) issued new COVID-19 Emergency Rules for workplaces. The new rules are effective immediately and supersede the previous May 24, 2021 workplace rules. Under the emergency rules, “Employers must provide employees with a place of employment that is free from recognized hazards that are

New CDC Eviction Moratorium

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a federal Executive Branch Agency, has issued a nationwide eviction moratorium. The moratorium went into effect on September 4, 2020 and serves as an extension of sorts, to a previous Executive Order by the Trump Administration which put a moratorium on evictions for those receiving federal rent assistance.

COVID-19: Michigan Executive Orders Update Workplace Safeguards

Effective July 31, 2020, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer signed Executive Orders 2020-160 and 2020-161 modifying the Safe Start Order and implementing new workplace safeguards on Michigan businesses. Indoor gatherings will be limited to 10 people.  Like the previous orders, employers are required to, among other items: (1) develop a COVID-19 preparedness plan consistent with guidance

The Freeze on Landlord-Tenant Eviction Proceedings is About to Come to an End, Sort of

At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, Governor Whitmer issued a State of Emergency in the State of Michigan. Pursuant to that State of Emergency, Governor Whitmer has frozen all eviction proceedings for landlord-tenant disputes and for land contract disputes. The current Executive Order governing the freeze is set to expire at 11:59 PM on

The Evils of Arbitration

Be wary of arbitration. Organizations like the American Arbitration Association (AAA) bill themselves as being a more cost- and time-efficient alternative to traditional litigation cases in front of trial courts. These claims are simply not true. While some arbitration cases may be resolved faster, that is the only benefit arbitration offers. To start, arbitration is

Michigan Works Share Plans Allow Expanded Unemployment Compensation for Employees

As a part of Michigan’s COVID-19 relief, Governor Whitmer expanded the reach of federal unemployment benefits to Michigan Work Share Plan participants under Executive Order 2020-57.  Work Share Plans allow Michigan employers to normally reduce employee hours and compensation by a set amount and affected employees can collect partial unemployment benefits at the same time


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Place Saginaw, MI 48604

Shinner & Cook

Shinner & Cook