Probate of an Estate

There are circumstances and occasions where probate either cannot be avoided or should not be avoided. The period of time after the loss of a loved one is difficult and the added pressures and responsibilities of making legal decisions do not help. Clients take comfort on relying on the expertise that Shinners & Cook offers in guiding them through the probate process.
Probate Administration
Ultimately, we assist the opening of a probate action for the purpose of naming a Personal Representative, assisting the Personal Representative, providing the proper notification to all interested parties/heirs necessary, filing the necessary paperwork with the local newspaper and with the Court and, finally, helping the Personal Representative make the distributions set forth in the decedent’s Will. A primary responsibility of our probate practice is to protect the Personal Representative and minimize exposure or liability by complying with Michigan’s laws regarding probate procedure.
Trust Administration
As in probate, the period of time after a loved one passes away can be the most difficult, yet decisions must be made, businesses must be managed, and obligations must be paid. With proper planning, we may avoid the necessity to open a probate proceeding, but Shinners & Cook still stands ready to assist clients with managing and administering a trust.
Trusts involved in estate planning may range from being a distribution trust where probate is avoided and the primary goal post-death is to make a smooth distribution to the beneficiary, to a trust that may last for years, ensuring that minor children have the opportunity to go to college. Whatever the case, the expertise at Shinners & Cook can help make this process as smooth as can be for the Trustee while protecting his or her liability exposure.
To discuss your specific needs, please contact Shinners & Cook at (989) 799-5000.